Thursday, March 13, 2008

NEWS: Clinton + Ferraro, Kerns

Hillary Clinton's Campaign: Hillary Clinton had to apologize three times to the gathering of her constituents last night, in a trio of distractions from the real issues.

I'm a big supporter of Hillary's, but the lastest news is disheartening. She is smart, presidential, and she will do lot of good for this country - but the people surrounding her haven't stayed on-message, and the campaign itself hasn't really found a narrative message of its own other than "I'm a Democrat."

Sadly, the question has come down full cirle: first it was if she will concede, then it became when she will concede, and now it's back to if she will concede again.

Now, I think that the battle has actually been good for the Democratic party in the long run. Obama and Clinton have both setup large bastions of support in the state contests and brought new people into the process: those emails, addresses and donations collected won't be forgotten in the general election.

But at this point, the battle looks to be becoming acrimonious and implosion-ready.

I am sad that my preferred candidate has no chance of winning. I have nothing to do with all the emnity I have stored up with against Obama - maybe he will reach out and work to releive it after Hillary does eventually concede, and I will become a fan. Maybe I will give him money. I will definitely vote for him.

I am worried, though, and I'm going to go back to the race versus gender argument to explain it. As a woman, Hillary had a huge chance to pull women swing voters from the Republican party. She had a lock, even on the "security moms" that were targeted in the last election.

But Obama? Maybe he will bring enough African Americans back into the process to make none of the previous swing voters matter. And even though I'm sure Obama is more studious than Bush, I worry that the same "inexperience" curse that made Bush such a bad President will strike Obama in some way if he gets elected.

Sally Kerns: The Oklahoma state representative that went off on gay people in a closed-door meeting earlier this week? Turns out, she has a gay son. No surprise there! Shocker!

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